Witchcraft Spells

witchcraftw, 29/07/2013

Witchcraft Spells

Witchcraft Spells

Witchcraft Spells

If there’s one thing that Witches are famous for some reason…it’s our ability to cast spells. For those whose knowledge of magick began at Hogwarts, it may come as a surprise that casting a spell doesn’t mean throwing arcane and somewhat disgusting, items into a bubbling cauldron. Nor does it require the use of a special wand and sparkly, flashing lights.

Spellcraft is actually quite simple and, if you follow the rules, often quite effective. There’s that “R” word again. Yes friends, as with all things magickal there are rules to follow unless it doesn’t bother you that Karma might come calling, wearing a pair of steel-capped boots!

On your altar, or coffee table if you don’t have one, place one red candle and one white candle. Make sure you have a cauldron, or other fireproof container to which you’ve added some sand. (It helps absorb the heat)
On a piece of parchment, or fine writing paper, write down the qualities of the person that you’d like to have come into your life. The colour of ink doesn’t matter, although you could use red or pink if you have it. (Keeps with the theme if coloured ink is used)

When you’re finished writing, concentrate on the words and try to envision how this person makes you feel, the things you’d like to do together, and allow yourself to feel happy. You should feel happy, you’re creating something wonderful to look forward to!
When you’re ready, light the piece of paper from both candles and say something like:

I ask that the Gods/Universe send to me this person I desire,
I may not yet know their face or name,
Still I know they’re out there,
And they’re looking for me just the same.

If you’re like me, and don’t really care whether the Gods/Universe send you a male or a female partner, you can feel free to add that into your wording. There is a twin flame out there for all of us, it doesn’t matter which as long as you both burn brightly.
Put the paper into the fireproof container, clear up your space, and then just relax.


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